What’s new?
How much do you know about the Treaty? Test your knowledge with our online true or false quiz
Digital library
Resources from the Treaty and anti-racism movements, events and actions from the 1960s to today.
Treaty application
Find ways we can help develop Treaty based polices with guidelines on audits and reviews of effective processes
MUST VIEW webinars from Te Tiriti Based Futures 2020: The Struggle for Ihumātao with Pania Newton. Intersections of race, gender, class, sexuality and ableism with Cissy Rock, Ruth Jones & Jade Le Grice and other webinars are available to view on YouTube.
Joan Cook essay
In 2023 the State of the Pākehā Nation essay is by Emily Beausoleil. 2024 the State of the Pākehā Nation essay is by Max Harris.
Tamaki Treaty Workers are on Facebook
Tamaki Treaty Workers has started a Facebook campaign which we think is worth sharing. Check out their post.
Are you a Treaty educator?
If you are an educator in the community, in schools or the tertiary sector – Treaty Educators might be for you.
Exploring co-governance
Explore stories and opinions about co-governing. Find organizations that work by co-governance.