Campaign for Peoples’ Sovereignty Newsletter – August 1992
Table of contents
Welcome; What is the Campaign for Peoples sovereignty?; Notices; What have we done and what are we doing?; National Campaign needed; List of organisations involved with the Campaign for Peoples’ Sovereignty.
Primary author: Campaign for Peoples’ Sovereignty
Author biography: Corporate/institutional, Māori, Pākehā, Other ethnicity
Publisher: Campaign for Peoples’ Sovereignty
Publication format: Newsletter
Publication date:
Publication place: Christchurch
Publication availability: Yes
Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre
Catalog reference: ANW-4 – Network Waitangi Otautahi
Content type: History
Sector: Community, Social services
Formal group:
Informal group: Other ethnic
General related topics: Colonisation, Tino rangatiratanga
Historical period: 20th