Correspondence between CCANZ Programme on Racism and Church Leaders re: 1990 Commission Joint Statement



Correspondence between the CCANZ Programme on Racism and leaders of various Church affiliates seeking their response and support to the executive's resolution concerning the 1990 Commemorations. Includes also a letter of request from the 1990 Commission to the CCANZ.

Table of contents

Programme on Racism, Anglican, Roman Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Salvation Army, Quaker, Orthodox Churches



Primary author: Programme On Racism

Author biography: Pākehā

Publisher: CCANZ – Programme on Racism

Publication format: Letter

Publication date: 1988

Publication place: Auckland

Publication availability: Yes

Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre

Catalog reference: AMNC-4 (Programme on Racism)

Content type: Recommendations, Report, Responses, Strategy, Treaty generally

Collection: Mitzi Nairn

Sector: Church

Formal group: Churches, CCANZ, Tauiwi Anti-Racism, POR (Programme on Racism)

General related topics: Equity/justice/fairness, First Peoples' rights, Tino rangatiratanga

Historical period: 20th

Historical event: Sesquicentennial