Cultural Difference
These notes explore cultural differences relating to practices within residential homes for children. Examples are offered of the way in which a residence maybe run according to kaupapa Maori values include practices around food, self care (hair, laundry, menstruation), visiting family, conflicts, communication and staff and children familiarity.
Table of contents
Primary author: Te Roopu Manaaki i Te Hunga Haua
Author biography: Māori
Publisher: Te Roopu Manaaki i Te Hunga Haua
Publication format: Conference proceedings, Speech
Publication date: November 1982
Publication place: Unknown
Publication availability: Yes
Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre
Content type: Recommendations, Models
Tikanga Māori: General
Sector: Health, Social services
Culture related topics: Concept of culture, Bi-cultural, Cultural safety (Kawa whakaruruhau)
General related topics: First Peoples' rights
Historical period: 20th
Resources: Culture