Radicals, racism and revolution?: the development of services for Maori people at Carrinngton Hospital
A former principal nurse's view of the Carrington Maori Unit. Outlines the function of the Whare Hui, Kohanga Reo, Whare Paia, and the Maori hostel. Comments on the influence of Titewhai Harawira, Maori coordinator of the Maori unit.
Table of contents
Primary author: Quinlan, Janet
Author biography: Pākehā
Publisher: Carrington Hospital
Publication format: Journal article
Publication date: July 1988
Publication place: Carrington, Auckland
Publication availability: Yes
Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre
Catalog reference: Archive: Health/Organisations
Content type: History
Tikanga Māori: General
Sector: Health
Culture related topics: Bi-cultural, Racism
Historical period: 20th
Resources: Culture