Te Tiriti o Waitangi – Workshop Readings
A series of articles, including pointers to further reading, for deepening understanding of the Treaty of Waitangi, to include an analysis of Racism – personal and institutional with focus on the health and education sector. The workbook includes a timeline and notes on further action titled 'What can we do?'. Articles included by authors, M.H. Durie, J. Ritchie, E.J. Fuli, K. Irwin and I. Ramsdem.
Table of contents
Acknowledgements, Recommended Reading, Cultural Differences, Nga Matatini Maori Diverse Maori Realities, Becoming Bicultural, Chronological history of the Treaty of Waitangi, Wananga Tuarua: Mahi Tuatoru – Consultation and the Treaty of Waitangi in the Health Sector, Personal Racism and Institutional Racism, Racism and Education, What can we do? Notes
Primary author: Unknown
Publisher: Unknown
Publication format: Education workbook
Publication date:
Publication place: Unknown
Publication availability: Yes
Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre
Catalog reference: 993.01 TET
Misc. notes: Some of these articles will be entered as separate entries with the workbook referenced as the source document.
Content type: Explanation of Treaty
Formal group: Tauiwi Treaty
Culture related topics: Racism
General related topics: Colonisation
Historical period: 20th
Historical event: Treaty of Waitangi