The different meanings in the Maori and English Treaty text of Kawanatanga and Tino Rangatiratanga



These papers explore the different meanings in the Maori and English Treaty text of Kawanatanga and Tino Rangatiratanga . Definitions are offered by Young, Kawharu and Ngata. This paper suggests that the Treaty established a bicultural framework for social organisation. Legislative processes have since gained ascendancy over Tino Rangatiratanga and the bicultural framework.

Table of contents

Kawanatanga, Tino Rangatiratanga, Treaty of Waitangi

Primary author: Unknown

Publisher: Unknown

Publication format: Education hand-out

Publication date:

Publication place: Unknown

Publication availability: Yes

Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre

Content type: Explanation of Treaty, Injustice, Kawanatanga, Treaty generally, Treaty itself

Culture related topics: Bi-cultural

General related topics: Colonisation, Equity/justice/fairness, First Peoples’ rights

Historical period: 19th