The proposal to establish a Maori consituency for Environment B.O.P (The Bay of Plenty Regional Council): Report from Hearings Commissioner



A proposal by Judge Trapski to establish a Maori constituency for the Bay of Plenty Regional Council explaining his inquiry, background of BOP and Maori, the proposal and consultation process, arguments for and against the proposal, considerations, democracy, separatism, conclusions and recommendations.

Table of contents




Primary author: Judge Peter J Trapski

Author biography: Māori, Pākehā

Publisher: Trapski, Judge Peter J

Publication format: Report

Publication date:

Publication place: Tauranga

Publication status: Okay to copy

Publication availability: Yes

Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre

Catalog reference: 342.02 TRA – Filing Cabinet and Treaty and Local Govt (ENVBOP Maori seats)

Content type: Treaty generally

Sector: Community, Education – Treaty

Historical period: 20th