The Treaty of Waitangi: a Pakhea perspective




Table of contents

Introduction — Legal status of the Treaty — Partnership, good faith and mutual trust — Relationship between the status of tangata whenua and equality of all citizens — The pursuit of Maori autonomy — Adequate electoral representation of Maori which will ensure partnership — Social well-being; and outcomes of social and economic processes as they effect Maori — The position of Pakeha, Pacific Islanders and members of other minority cultures in New Zealand, as determined by the Treaty of Waitangi — Educatrional needs of Pakeha community – re Treaty of Waitangi and related issues.

Primary author: L'Estrange, Maryanne

Secondary author: Richardson, Mary

Author biography: Pākehā

Publisher: Maryanne L'Estrange

Publication format: Education resource

Publication status: Okay to copy

Publication availability: Yes

Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre

Catalog reference: APW-1 – Archives Project Waitangi

Misc. notes: Maryanne L’Estrange, National Coordinator Project Waitangi; Mary Richardson, Youth Coordinator, Project Waitangi

Content type: Explanation of Treaty, History, Treaty generally

Sector: Education – Treaty

Formal group: Project Waitangi

Informal group: Indigenous peoples, Māori, Pākehā, Pasifika

Culture related topics: Bi-cultural, Multi-cultural

General related topics: Social change – society

Historical period: 20th

Resources: Culture