Tino Rangatiratanga – A public questions contribution



This booklet outlines an understanding of Tino Rangatiratanga as expressed in Article 2 of the Treaty and the ongoing injustice of the failure to recognise Tino Rangatiratanga being met by a growing resistance movement.

Table of contents

Introduction, The Meaning of Tino Rangatiratanga, Rangatiratanga and Kawanatanga, Tino Rangatiratanga and the Labour Government, Tino Rangatiratanga and the Courts, Tino Rangatiratanga and the Waitangi Tribunal, Tino Rangatiratanga and the Principles of the Treaty, Tino Rangatiratanga and Maori Devolution, Tino Rangatiratanga and National Party Policy, The Need for Political Restructuring, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, Bibliography.




Primary author: Joint Methodist-Presbyterian Public Questions Committee

Publisher: Joint Methodist-Presbyterian Public Questions Committee

Publication format: Briefing paper, Discussion document/proposal, In-house document

Publication date:

Publication place: Auckland

Publication availability: Yes

Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre

Catalog reference: 323.11 TIN and AMNC-2

Misc. notes: January 1992 scanned copy added

Content type: Explanation of Treaty, Kawanatanga, Protest, Responses, Treaty generally

Collection: Mitzi Nairn

Sector: Church

Formal group: Churches

Culture related topics: Bi-cultural

General related topics: Colonisation, Tino rangatiratanga

Historical period: 20th