Tino Rangatiratanga and the Runanga Iwi Bill



Set out in an question and answer format the handout explores issues related to the Runanga Iwi Bill.

Table of contents

What's going on with the Runanga Iwi Bill, The Prime Minister and Whakakotahi, Options for Rewriting the Runanga Iwi Bill, Alternatives to the Runanga Iwi Bill, Runanga Iwi Bill – December 89' Update, Becoming a Government Defined Runanga, Registering a Runanga, The Price of Being a Registered Runanga

Primary author: Kia Mohio Kia Marama Trust

Author biography: Māori

Publisher: Kia Mohio Kia Marama Trust

Publication format: Fact sheets, Education hand-out

Publication date: 14 May 1990

Publication place: Tamaki Makaurau,

Publication availability: Yes

Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre

Content type: Treaty generally, Legislation, Implementation

Collection: Mitzi Nairn

Tikanga Māori: General

Sector: Education fourth sector

Formal group: Kia Mohio Kia Marama Trust, Maori Treaty

General related topics: Colonisation, Tino rangatiratanga

Historical period: 20th

Historical event: Runanga Iwi Bill