Waitangi Action Committee Newsletter: Hurae, Akuhata, Hepetema 1983
Table of contents
Introduction by Hinegaro Davis; Te Whanau o Waipareira; Te Paua Ataahua – Te Aturangi Nepia Clamp; Nuclear free and independent Pacific conference, Vanuatu July 10-20; October 1st fundraising day; Waitangi Action Committee sponsor form; Karen Flick: an aboriginal shares the sruglle of her people; Support needed: blockade of Roxby Downs Uranium mine; Press Release; The Treaty of Waitangi: a case for repentance? an address by John Rangihau, 26 July 1983
Primary author: Waitangi Action Committee
Secondary author: Davis, Hinegaro; Clamp, Te Aturangai Nepia; Flick, Karen; Rangihau, John
Author biography: Māori, Pākehā, Other ethnicity
Publisher: Waitangi Action Committee
Publication format: Newsletter
Publication date: July August september 1983
Publication place: Otara, Auckland
Publication availability: Yes
Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre
Catalog reference: AWAC – Newsletters 1980-1988
Content type: History, Injustice, Protest, Responses, Treaty generally
Sector: Education – tertiary, Education – Treaty
Formal group: Waitangi Action Committee
Informal group: Indigenous peoples, Māori, Pākehā
Culture related topics: Bi-cultural, Racism
General related topics: Colonisation, Equity/justice/fairness, First Peoples' rights, Tino rangatiratanga
Historical period: 19th