Waitangi Action Committee Newsletter: Oketopa 1983




Table of contents

Poroporoaki mo Mac Piripi, Brian Leopu me Hone Toru; 1984 March to Waitangi; 10km Run; Waitangi Action Committee Sponsor Form; Tent Marae – Aperira Papuni; 1978 Great plans; 1983 – and still hoping; Kotahitanga; Hands off Grenada – Mere Taylor; Calendar; Resources available from the W.A.C Office



Primary author: Waitangi Action Committee

Secondary author: Papuni, Aperira; Taylor, Mere

Author biography: Māori, Pākehā

Publisher: Waitangi Action Committee

Publication format: Newsletter

Publication date: October 1983

Publication place: Otara, Auckland

Publication availability: Yes

Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre

Catalog reference: AWAC – Newsletters 1980-1988

Content type: History, Injustice, Responses, Treaty generally

Sector: Education – tertiary, Education – Treaty

Formal group: Waitangi Action Committee

Informal group: Indigenous peoples, Māori

Culture related topics: Bi-cultural, Racism

General related topics: Colonisation, Equity/justice/fairness, First Peoples' rights, Tino rangatiratanga

Historical period: 19th