Whites Against Racism



A resource kit of information for the New York based group Whites Against Racism.

Table of contents

Letter, Welcome and Who we Are, Building a Movement of Whites to Fight Racism, White Identity Politics: A Framework for Anti-Racist Action and Education, Policy Statement, A reading List on Racism, An Incomplete List of Groups Doings Anti Racism Work,




Primary author: Shoemaker, Glen

Secondary author: Lyons, Matthew

Author biography: Other ethnicity

Publisher: Whites Against Racism

Publication format: Brochure, Fact sheets, Letter, Pamphlet, Resource kit

Publication date:

Publication place: New York, USA

Publication availability: Yes

Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre

Catalog reference: Education 2: Programme on Racism (POR) Box 4

Content type: Protest, Responses, Strategy

Collection: Mitzi Nairn

Culture related topics: Racism, Stereotyping

General related topics: Behavioural change

Historical period: 20th