Being allies? Negotiating non-indigenous support of indigenous struggles in Australia

In this session, recorded during a visit to Aotearoa in 2010, Clare Land considers the question of negotiating non-Indigenous support of Indigenous struggles in Australia under the prevailing colonising conditions. She discusses historical and contemporary examples of this support and some of the tensions within this work.

About Clare Land

Clare  is a member of the committee of management of ANTaR Victoria – Working for Land Justice and Reconciliation. Both her studies and her involvement at ANTaR, where she was a community development worker from 2004-2006, are devoted to generating in Australia political conditions conducive to moral and legal recognition of Indigenous peoples as first nations peoples. She volunteers as a community radio broadcaster on 3CR in Melbourne with Gunai-Maar man Robbie Thorpe. Together they present the show Fire First, which they co-created in 2003 as an Indigenous – non-Indigenous collaboration, discussing colonialism in Australia from invasion to the present.