Ngā Rerenga o Te Tiriti supporting resources
A New Way of Working, The Community Sector Taskforce
This document responds to the question of, ‘How can the Tangata Whenua, Community and Voluntary Sector think about Te Tiriti/Treaty of Waitangi and work with it positively and productively?’ by outlining a values and relationship based approach.
The resource proposes the two house model, and outlines it in detail. A New Way of Working is relevant to any organisation considering a two house or values/relational approach to organisational change. Organisations working with a Treaty relationships approach, may also find this caucusing guide useful. For more indepth reading, this thesis explores the relationship approach in more detail.
Te Tiriti/Treaty Relationship Framework: Community and Organisation Development Package, The Community Sector Taskforce
This resource builds from A New Way of Working and outlines using a Tiriti/Treaty Relationships Framework and methodology in primarily Tangata Tiriti organisations. It includes: guidelines for policy and strategy, change management, and external relationship development. A resource allocation model and education and training modules. The checklists (pages 22-28) are useful tools for organisations to use to assess their readiness for change and to identify good starting points for action.
Treaty application framework, Treaty Resource Centre
This framework for Treaty application is premised on the understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi as an agreement between hapū and the Crown; the framework defines Treaty relationships as those between community organisations and hapū. It has been written for Tangata Tiriti/Tauiwi community organisations. This resource is relevant to organisations wanting to explore how they are engaging with the Treaty and consider what they might need to attend to as they develop Treaty relationships with hapū.
Treaty Journeys, Treaty Resource Centre
In addition, Barnardos have also shared key documents and initiatives from their organisational voyage.
If you enjoy organisational stories and want more, take a look at the case-studies of international development agencies shared in Treaty Journeys (2007).
The Treaty of Waitangi and School Governance: Kei tua atu o te matapaki kōrero ko te mahi, NZ Schools Trustees Association
This set of resources and video clips focusses on enabling trustees to better understand the Treaty of Waitangi and its implications for school governance. The related resource Hautū: Māori cultural responsiveness self review tool for boards of trustees supports school boards to assess how culturally responsive their school is for Māori and identify priorities for development. While developed specifically for the school setting, these tools could be adapted to other contexts.
Engaging with the Treaty: organisational stories
The organisational stories collected for Ngā Rerenga o Te Tiriti and for Treaty Journeys reflect organisations at a range of stages in their organisational Treaty voyage. These stories of engagement with the Treaty can provide insights and inspiration for other organisations.
Researchers’ reflections on Treaty application in community organisations
A small group of social science researchers, all engaged in research and community action in relation to Tangata Whenua – Tangata Tiriti relationships, provide brief responses to the question: ‘From your research in relation to Te Tiriti, what is the most significant idea of relevance to Treaty application in community organisations?’ The responses provide different perspectives on Treaty application which may prompt reflection for community organisations.
Working as allies, Jen Margaret
Working as allies, provides indepth reflections of non-indigenous supporters of indigenous justice in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. They discuss what led them to become involved in indigenous justice issues, what informs their approach, challenges of this work and responses to these challenges. These reflections are supported by discussions starters/think pieces for allies. The work is useful to Tangata Tiriti (particularly Pākehā) exploring their positioning and practice in relation to the Treaty.
Wayfinding leadership: Groundbreaking wisdom for developing leaders, Dr Chellie Spiller, Hoturoa Barclay-Kerr and John Panoho
This book uses sea voyaging metaphors and particularly explores wayfinding. ‘Wayfinders go beyond the known, and journey on voyages of discovery to new horizons. Drawing upon ancient wisdom, modern wayfinders hold insights that can make a big difference for leaders, their teams and organisations and for the future of society – for us all individually and collectively.’ While not specific to community organisations, this book may be of interest to those who wish to explore the concept of voyaging and/or organisational leadership in more depth.
Is something crucial missing? Please email us if you have other resources that you think would be useful to include here.