Legislative Violations of the Treaty: 1840-1990
This timeline resource covers legislative violations of the Treaty since 1840. It includes land ownership figures stating that in 1840 Maori owned 66,400,000 acres of land and in 1975 Maori land was reduced to 3,000,000 acres. The chronology of settlement includes early Maori settlement from c800AD through to the 1986 census records reflecting an ethnic diversity and total population figure.
Table of contents
Legislative violations of the Treaty, Chronology of Settlement
Primary author: Unknown
Secondary author: Unknown
Primary source author/editor: Unknown
Publisher: Unknown
Publication format: Education hand-out, Fact sheets
Publication date:
Publication place: Unknown
Publication availability: Yes
Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre
Catalog reference: T-03 Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Content type: Explanation of Treaty, History, Legislation, Statistics, Treaty generally
General related topics: Colonisation
Historical period: 19th, 20th, Pre-European