Maori legal forum: update on international developments relating to indigenous peoples
Claire provides an update on where things are at for Indigenous peoples' rights under international law in two discrete areas: on the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; and the4 United Nationals Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. She provides an historical overview of where indigenous peoples sit in the United Nations, then moves to the UNPFII and finally the Declaration.
Table of contents
1. Introduction — II. Where indigenous peoples sit in the United Nations System — III. The UN permanent forum on Indigenous issues — IV. The Declaration — a. History — b. Significance — c. Politics behind the Declaration’s negotiation — d. Articles of the declaration — e. New Zealand, Australia and the United States objections — f. Responses to the Government’s position.
Primary author: Charters, Clare
Author biography: Pākehā
Publisher: Clare Charters
Publication format: Speech
Publication date: July 2006
Publication place: Unknown
Publication availability: Yes
Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre
Catalog reference: 341 CHAR – Filing Cabinet
Sector: Community
Informal group: Indigenous peoples
General related topics: Equity/justice/fairness, First Peoples' rights
Historical period: 20th