Maori peoples liberation Movement of Aotearoa – Newsletter 2, October 1980
Table of contents
Women: reclaim the night March; United Congress of Maori and Pacific Women; Rape in New Zealand; Anti Racism workshops at Waitkato University na Wiki Tawhara; The great waaitangi fraud; Te Matakite o Aotearoa – five year anniversary hui; Criticisms – Maori Affairs report; Maranga Mai performs in Paliament; Mike Dorris – American Indian speaks at Otara Public meeting; Springbox tour must be stopped by Tom Newnham; Govt-Fletcher plan 2nd smelter; 950 workers laid-off at Southdown; Housing action; Combined beneficiaries; Pacific concerns resource centre – Hawaii; Truxton: keep out; The Peoples charter for Nuclear Free Pacific; A view of the Phillipine situation na Arthur Harawira; Dont make the Pacific Nuclear dumping grounds – Tokyo Rally; Support the Sand Island 19; The Separatist view by Wayne Westlake; NZ Bombs Kaho’Olawe-Hawaii; Te Awhitu Maori Land Occupation; Report on sydney Nuclear Free Pacific Forum: 26-28th Sept 1980 by Rachel Bloomfield
Primary author: Maori Peoples Liberation Movement
Author biography: Māori, Pākehā, Other ethnicity
Publisher: Maori Peoples Liberation Movement of Aotearoa
Publication format: Newsletter
Publication date: 1980
Publication place: Otara, Auckland
Publication availability: Yes
Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre
Catalog reference: AMPLM – 1
Content type: History, Injustice, Protest, Report, Responses
Sector: Community, Education – tertiary, Justice
Informal group: Indigenous peoples
Culture related topics: Racism
General related topics: Ethics, First Peoples' rights, Human rights, Tino rangatiratanga
Historical period: 19th