Perspectives on the Implementation of the Treaty of Waitangi in Aotearoa



A draft report for presentation at Waitangi 1997 from Pakeha Treaty Workers and Educators including analysis and thinking, issues and shortfalls, and hopes for Tauiwi workers for the fulfillment of Tino Rangatiratanga in Aotearoa. Reference is made to resolutions jointly reached at two national gathering.

Table of contents

The role of Tangata Tiriti/Tau iwi Tiriti Activists in the struggle for Tino Rangatiratanga, Agreed Resolutions, Further Comments, Conclusion

Primary author: Network Waitangi – Whangarei

Author biography: Pākehā

Publisher: Network Waitangi

Publication format: Informal notes, Loose-leaf

Publication date: 1997

Publication place: Whangarei

Publication availability: Yes

Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre

Content type: Implementation

Formal group: Tauiwi Treaty

Culture related topics: Bi-cultural

General related topics: Equity/justice/fairness, First Peoples’ rights

Historical period: 20th