Treaty Workshop Outline



Detailed content notes and "facts" with time frame and headings for running a four-part Treaty workshop. Reference made to materials such as the wave, quiz and timeline.

Table of contents

An Historical Perspective, Treaty of Waitangi – a document analysis, Land violations, Settlements, Future framework, Models

Primary author: Herzog, Christine

Primary source author/editor: Herzog, Christine

Author biography: Pākehā

Publisher: Unknown

Publication format: Course or workshop outline, Fact sheets, In-house document

Publication date:

Publication place: Tamaki Makaurau,

Publication availability: Yes

Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre

Content type: Explanation of Treaty, History, Kawanatanga, Models, Responses, Treaty itself

Sector: Education fourth sector

Formal group: Tauiwi Treaty

General related topics: Colonisation, Equity/justice/fairness, Social change – society, Tino rangatiratanga

Historical period: 19th, 20th