What is a marae?
Table of contents
The physical structure: The meeting house; the whare kai; other buildings and structures; The human sturcture: The Tangata Whenua; The young children; The Teenager; The adults; The Elders; The manuhiri; Marae procedure (Kawa): the begining of a Marae hui; Karanga (call); Manuhiri movement; Acknowledgement to those who have passed on; Whaikorero procedure; Presenting a koha (money gifts); The hongi; The place of women at a traditional welcome; Marae values: Turangawaewae; Manaakitanga; Aroha; Wairua (spirituality – not religion); Mauri (ethos, life force, life essence); The respect for elders; Maori language.
Primary author: Awataha Marae
Author biography: Māori
Publisher: Awataha Marae Inc
Publication format: Hand-out
Publication date:
Publication place: Northcote, Aucklan
Publication availability: Yes
Publication location: Treaty Resource Centre
Catalog reference: HMA – Handout Marae
Content type: History
Tikanga Māori: General, Te reo Māori, Whakapapa
Sector: Community, Education – secondary, Education – tertiary
Informal group: Other ethnic, Pākehā
General related topics: First Peoples’ rights
Historical period: 20th
Resources: Culture